The Niagara County Youth Bureau and Niagara County Department of Social Services is pleased to announce the 25th Annual Kidz ‘N’ Kites event to take place on Saturday September 16, 2023. This year’s location the event will return to the Town of Niagara Veteran’s Memorial Park (7000 Lockport Rd. Niagara Falls, NY 14305)

The event will take place from 11:00am - 2:00pm, with first come, first serve registration beginning at 11:00am.
The first 500 youth will receive a free kite, t-shirt and hot-dog lunch. The Great Lakes Kitefliers provide fantastic scenery of flying kites and volunteers are present to help youth fly their own. The event is a great opportunity for parents and youth to work together to fly their free kite.
“This event has continued to be a staple on most families fall calendar. Twenty-Five years of celebrating youth and families is exciting.” Youth Bureau Director Ben Bunker states. This annual event is sponsored by community organizations and local businesses to make this event 100% free for youth. Longtime partners Niagara County Sheriff’s Department will be providing Car Seat Safety checks on location, while Niagara PAL will be cooking up the Hot Dog lunches.
Each youth will also receive giveaway coupons to local restaurants and be in the small and grand prize raffles to be drawn. Entertainment will be provided by Nels Ross from Injest Inc, who has showcased his juggling magic for over 25 years.
For more information, please find the Niagara County Youth Bureau on Facebook or search for the “25th Annual Kidz ‘N’ Kites” event page.
Local Sponsors include:
Kiwanis of Lewiston ★ Grigg-Lewis Foundation ★ M&T Bank ★ Fidelis Care★ Chrystal Manzare – Howard Hanna ★ Berkshire Farms ★ PAL ★ Joe Cecconi ★IBEW Local 237 ★ McFarlane Plumbing ★ Niagara FCU ★Third Ward Social Club ★ Steve’s Heating and Cooling ★ CSL Plasma★ Prudent & Kanndt ★ Ivy Lea Construction ★ Law Enforcement Foundation Niagara County Police Benevolent Association ★ Deputy Sheriff’s Association ★ Sutherland Lodge ★ Encompass Niagara ★ Crosby’s
Pellicano’s Marketplace ★ Wegmans ★ Wendys ★ Reid’s Drive In ★ Mighty Taco ★ Burger King